
Friday 18 March 2011

GoDaddy WordPress Sites Infected by HolasionWeb Malicious Code

Have you gotten calls from your clients hosted on GoDaddy about their WordPress site's being 'hacked'? Or perhaps this happened to you yourself. It seems there's a new report of thousands of WordPress sites being infected by malicious javascript inserted on their WordPress website.
It's not everyday that WordPress gets 'hacked' by something/one.  Today one of my clients sent me a very distressed email claiming their site had been hacked.  I thought that they were probably mistaken, but apparently not.  It appears that a malicious piece of JavaScript is infecting WordPress sites.  Most, if not all, hosted on WordPress.  This WordPress infection by '' appears to set a cookie and has ill intentions.  Let's take a look at what this attack is and how to fix it.

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