
Friday 18 March 2011

FXDD Forex Broker Review

When it comes to trading Forex, a new trader has a lot of choice. They can choose to go with a recommended broker from a friend or family member, or they can choose to go with a broker offering great leverage or trading software. The problem is that neither one of these paths will net them at a broker that is honest and fair, as the recommendation from the friend may not be accurate, and a lot of leverage is not a good thing for a new trader.
I have traded at many, many different Forex brokers. Some have been great for trading, yet brutal on the service end of things. Others have had great service, but may have had high commission rates as a result. One common theme that I noticed, however, was the desperate attempt to build trust: plainly said, there are not a lot of brokerages that a trader can actually trust.
Why? It comes down to disclosure: what are their commission rates, what are the spreads like, and is there a deal desk trading against you? Many brokerages don't tell you either way, leaving you to wonder if the trading that you are doing is bringing the highest return for your dollar. In my experience, it usually isn't.

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