
Saturday 12 March 2011

The best news sites on Forex

Let us look now at the best sites for information on Forex and find out where not to lose sight in order to stay informed at any time of the news on the foreign exchange market.

To be successful on the currency market, it is important to keep abreast of the latest news Forex. Once your Forex account open, it's time to get interested in the events unfolding on the foreign exchange market.

Listed below are several sites that are a good source of information on Forex:

AFX News, Bloomberg, Reuters Trade, The News, Dow Jones Newswires, 4Cast, Informa Global Markets, International MarketNews, Forex & Futures Radio, IFR Markets, Need to Know News, and the free site NewsStrike.

One of our favorite sites is the Dow Jones Newswires and Advice For Investment Professionals. It offers access to a range of information and news you can increase your performance and help you establish good relationships with your customers.

Thomson Financial News is another site that we recommend in terms of news on the foreign exchange market. It informs you and gives you an overview and analysis of all foreign exchange necessary to help you make the right decisions for you and your customers. The site offers the market expertise Thomson Financial, but also covered by the financial news reporters and analysts worldwide. These services can give you new investment ideas, help you develop new financial perspective and help you out even more efficient.

4CAST is among the news sites on the Forex expanding in central banks, trading rooms and the players on the market. This site provides strategic analysis, fundamental, political and technical. It would, in the words of 4CAST themselves, used by 90% of the most powerful financial institutions in the world.

If you use 4CASTWEB, you can also enter the site 4CAST, inform you of new developments on the foreign exchange market and / or perform a free trial of one of their products. 4CAST has a help desk, ready to help you at any time.

It is a source of information on Forex valuable for financial institutions, providing future-oriented analysis, news of developments on the foreign exchange market and a unique insight into the forex business.

For more information about Forex online, you can use the solutions 'Communications Market' and 'Corporate Intelligence Integrate' of Dow Jones Newswires.

All good information sites on the Forex you will prevent any risks incurred in transactions on the currency market. Before you start on Forex, remember your experience level, your investment objectives and your risk appetite. You may sustain losses (partial or total) at any time. It is therefore prudent not invest money that you can not afford to lose. You can also use an independent financial advisor if you need it.

We hope this article on the news Forex allows you to have now a more global view of different sites covering the news on the foreign exchange market, and that you suspect have an affinity for one or the other source information about the Forex.

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